Lighten Up knowing Jesus we have EVERYTHING we need for this life and the next... 2 Peter 1:3
Lighten Up Book Cover



This is another 40 day manual specifically for engaged or married couples or individuals. 
Every single marriage
should be a  work in progress and TIGHTEN UP looks at your foundations, your mindsets
and some of the traps the enemy would love to ensnare you in!

When last did you intentionally invest in your marriage? 
Take up the TIGHTEN UP challenge and prepare for stronger, deeper and sweeter connections. 
Ideally BOTH of you should journey (in individual manuals) , but I've seen that even one partner can make a
huge impact on a marriage should your spouse be disinterested, (at this point) or unable to join you. 

Take courage:   God invented marriage and He has a vested interested in seeing yours "glow in the dark". 

As with LIGHTEN UP and LEEF LIG, this 40 day adventure includes a selective or partial fast, because biblical
fasting positions our hearts receptively before God. Some have fasted sugar for 40 days, some have fasted sugar
AND wheat and some have done a media fast (TV, movies, Facebook and internet). Fasting is about recognizing our
need for GOD in the process of transformation.  In effect, by fasting we're asking God to take the information shared
each of the 40 days and to make it transformational in our lives. We're acknowledging that for change to be permanent,
we need Him.

Drop us a line if you'd like prices or any other additional information.

Where did the idea of TIGHTEN UP originate?

As my daughter Jessica inspired the writing of the original LIGHTEN UP manual in her quest for wholeness and
balance for her body, soul and spirit in 2006, she asked me to write 40 new daily devotions as she prepared for
marriage in 2013.  Her fiance joined her and the two of them fasted sugar (him) and sugar and wheat (her), and worked through the 40 devotions that make up the TIGHTEN UP manual. The 40 days are sprinkled with DATE NIGHTS where
you connect, negotiate and chat through the things that you've worked through individually.

I prayed then, I still do - that their love would grow through every season of togetherness and that while some seasons
of marriage can be bleak, hard or harsh as winter, hope and faithfulness, would result in exquisite spring and summer seasons- Fruitful and gloriously satisfying!

The wonderful news is that GOD is able and willing to partner with you as you invest in your marriage.

Drop us a line if you'd like additional information. 

© Litenuf 2018